I was excited at the prospect of building this guitar for a gentleman by the name of David, who resides in an area in New Jersey that is very close to the part of NJ I was stationed when I was in the Navy back in 1982. David was a great customer in the fact that he kept on seeing little cool things he wanted done to his guitar along the way and he ended up getting his guitar painted one of my favorite colors, teal, which is one of the colors on my logo. He also persuaded me into turning a KT series into the new KT-T Series, which means it has a tremolo. It wasn't that I didn't want to have a KT series available with a tremolo, it's just the work it takes to set up the templates to do such an undertaking. So, needless to say, David is oficially the first owner of a "KT-T Series" guitar from Virgil Guitars. After finalizing this guitar, I finally had a chance to take it for a "test drive" and I'm sold! I'll be making one of these models for my personal collection down the road!
Testimonial coming soon!